Sunday, October 8, 2017


 “…that his father had not had a place in heaven decreed to him, that the honour might be turned to the destruction of the citizens.  Cassius, the actor, with men of the same profession, used to take part in the games which had been consecrated by his mother to the memory of Augustus.  Nor was it contrary to the religion of the State for the emperor’s image, like those of other deities, to be added to a sale of gardens and houses.  As to the oath, the thing ought to be considered as if the man had deceived Jupiter.  Wrongs done to the gods were the gods’ concern.” ~ Tacitus, Book I, 73

Funny how we are half a century past the supposed crucifixion and supposed resurrection of that supposed savior, but the empire that would go on to destroy the world in his name gives no mention of that Jesus fella.  

Vik kept apologizing because she never really poses with anyone else, and when Maya mentioned wanting shoot with her I was surprised that she was up for it.  I just sat back and let them fumble over figuring out how everything should go, and it turned into something biblical, like an angel being drawn down to the purgatory of sensual earth by this matriarchal siren.  I just kind of smiled and hit the shutter button, in a kind of awe that this organically happened.  I feel very blessed to have this woman and these friends in my life.

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