Sunday, October 1, 2017

Augustinian Mutiny

 “That terrible night which threatened an explosion of crime was tranquillised [sic] by a mere accident.  Suddenly in a clear sky the moon’s radiance seemed to die away.  This the soldiers in their ignorance of the cause regarded as an omen of their condition, comparing the failure of her light to their own efforts, and imagining that their attempts would end prosperously should her brightness and splendor be restored to the goddess.  And so they raised a din with brazen instruments and the combined notes of trumpets and horns, with joy or sorrow, as she brightened or grew dark.
When clouds arose and obstructed their sight, and it was thought she was buried in the gloom, with that proneness to superstition which steals over minds once thoroughly cowed, they lamented that this was a portent of never-ending hardship, and that heaven frowned on their deeds.” ~ Tacitus, Book I, 28 

Oh those silly Romans.

Vik + Zzyzx… coming soon.

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