Sunday, May 20, 2018

Danger in Ming-Dao

"Like a raft adrift on the ocean
It does not matter where I float or stop.
Reaching the Tao is a matter of continuous motion.
True nature is born from profound splendor."

~ Danger Evader (I'm sure that's a loose translation)

I've been reading Deng Ming-Dao's 365 Tao since I got out of jail in 2003; 15 years and a couple weeks ago; after having stolen it from a bookstore in 1995.  When I was knee deep in Yokoji I purchased his Scholar Warrior, and only got a couple chapters in, as most of it was diagrams of Qigong exercises, and that didn't stimulate my brain like I wished it to.  I finally finished it.  There is something strangely satisfying about finishing a book that was abandoned years ago.

Here we have a post in a post.  =l

1 comment:

  1. Good to know that is far behind you.
    Good use if a timber as figleaf. I saw a few examples of that in pre-R-ratings movies back in the '60s and in '70s TV. ;)
