The scale of it all, the grandeur, the epicness of it all, is beginning to tighten around my neck.
It is said that a dull blade is more dangerous than a sharp one. That never made any sense to me on a practical level, unless the blade is so dull that it is uneven or chipped, in which case it would tear your skin instead of cut it cleanly. Honestly, though, you would have to be in motion, for when you press a dull blade into your skin nothing happens… that’s boring. A dull blade in motion is also more likely to deflect off of intended surfaces to be cut and catch a finger or appendage, and the added pressure needed to penetrate something with a dull blade, then redirecting to a surface as fragile as skin would certainly cause some damage. You could also successfully stab someone with a spoon, though, so…
Insert life metaphors freely.
So, I pose the question to you, why does life have to be suffering? Why can’t it just be life, and we choose whether or not we suffer? We all go through the same shit; we all feel the same shit; ad infinitum; nothing about the human condition has changed in recorded history, and nothing will likely change before we destroy ourselves. Read the Ancients. If there is anything that they had absolutely figured out, it was the human condition, and by their mentioning ancient times, it is painfully apparent that they had plenty of experience with it, passed down from generation to generation, again, ad infinitum. If life, which continues on regardless, is truly suffering, then all that really matters is how we choose to respond to it. By that rationale there is no suffering, only life.
We can let life bother us, and dwell on the stupid shit that they tell us to dwell on, or we can smile and move on to the more important things. Suffering is nothing more than an ideal created by institutions and religious structures to keep you going back to the source and paying for alleviation of something that they’ve convinced you exists. Just live your life; don’t suffer anything. This is, of course, another conundrum, coming from someone who is fully immersed in the hamster wheel of societal expectations. I am only living my life on the terms of the structure that I have been given, and the people that I’ve surrounded myself by. While I am not living the life I wish to live, I am not suffering this life, I’m living it.
Just sharpen your damn knife.