Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Brief Escape

Stop trying to be something, and just be.

Today we got away for a little bit, and everything became depressingly clear.  I want to be doing this every day, everywhere, and perpetually writing about how beautiful life is, but I am, instead, doing this, and that's ok, for now.  I was able to put a lot of things into perspective today, and have officially become a flight risk again.  I don't like this town; it's full of boring people who don't understand what's important.  I want to be out there living my life, with beautiful people who understand that life doesn't have to be what "they" tell you it's supposed to be to keep their scam alive.  I love my job, but I also love my life, and I would like to live it.  I would like to have the freedom to go out into the world and just be with my beautiful little neglected family, and still be able to make enough money to support them, realistically, and I don't think there is anything wrong with me saying that.  I just want all of this to work, but I need this; I need my baby, and rivers, and nature, and days off, and road trips, and freedom, AND a job that I'm proud of that pays all the bills but doesn't consume my life and spit it out at the end of someone else's dreams.

You don't understand.


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